The line oil heaters are used for heating oil emulsion, oil, gas, gas condensate, water, heat carriers at oil production, transportation and primary treatment installations.
The heating of crude oil or water results from heat exchange with an intermediate heat carrier which is heated to operating temperature using heat from fuel combustion. The heaters operate on natural or associated petroleum gas. It is possible to arrange for oil to be heated with the help of alternative kinds of fuel by installing additional burners.
The main functional components of the heaters include a heating unit, fuel supply system, burner, product coil.
From a structural stand point, the heating unit represents a cylindrical tank installed on a metal sledge-type base frame. Such a structure is easy to transport and allows you to decrease installation and commissioning deadlines.
The line heaters are operated automatically. The operation of all their constituent parts is under control of instrumentation which measures the characteristics of fuel gas and oil emulsion, regulates heating temperature, and monitor flame presence. Safe equipment operation is guaranteed by emergency and fire and security alarm systems together with transmitters, signal devices and shutoff valves.