Oil and Gas Transportation Facilities Construction

The oil and gas transportation and storage processes are based, as a rule, on a system of pipelines and bulk tank farms.

The core industrial facilities in the oil and gas transportation processes are head and intermediate oil pumping stations and booster gas compressor stations. The basic process installations are comprised of the main and booster pumping stations, tank farms, oil metering stations and pressure control stations, and process pipelines.

Engineering Solutions AO offers services connected with the construction of media transportation installations and their separate units comprised, as the case may be, of booster pumping stations, multiphase pumping stations, booster compressor stations and auxiliary equipment allowing the oil product transport system to operate autonomously.

Booster Pumping Stations

The booster pumping stations are used in contemporary oil well infrastructure construction together with field gathering and preparation systems, measuring units, pumping systems and central station of collection and preparation of oil products and materials removed from them. All constituent elements are connected together by means of pipelines.

The booster pumping stations are used at those wells where there is no sufficient reservoir energy to arrange for oil and gas material to reach a preliminary water removal unit or oil pumping station.

As a rule, the stations in question are used in isolated fields. The main service of the booster pumping stations is to allow gas and oil to be separated from each other, raw material to be cleaned of dropping liquid, oil mass to be further transferred by means of centrifugal pumps and gas – by means of pressure in separator compartments.

The booster pumping station, its pumps in the first place, imparts additional pressure to oil and gas, allowing transportation of oil and gas in the direction of high-pressure sections through gathering and treating systems.

The pumping unit may be comprised of either oil or water pumps of different types (plunger, centrifugal, gear pumps, etc.). The most widely spread type of pump is ЦНС. Provided with relatively small overall dimensions, these assure high output and liquid head. If required, their operating parameters can be varied by increasing or decreasing their impellers.

Booster Compressor Stations

A compressor station is an integral and constituent part of the main gas pipeline and capable of assuring the basic processes related to gas preparation and transportation. It is a well-known fact that the largest gas fields are located far away from major consumers. These consumers are supplied with gas through the main gas pipelines available in different diameters. During gas flow in a pipeline because of hydraulic resistance of various kinds present its pressure drops over the pipeline length, causing decrease in the throughput capacity of the pipeline. Therefore it is impossible for gas to be transported in sufficient quantity and for long distances only by means of natural formation pressure.

To maintain the specified flow of gas being transported and its optimum pressure in a gas pipeline compressor stations are set up along the pipeline route.

The modern gas compressor station is a technically complex engineer installation whose task is to ensure the basic natural gas treatment and transportation processes.

Its characteristic feature is a high compression ratio resulting from consecutive operation of several gas compressor units.

The gas compressor station imposes stringent requirements for quality of treatment of incoming process gas – its cleaning of mechanical impurities, dehydration by stripping out gas condensate and moisture and removal of by-products, if any: hydrogen sulphide, carbonic acid, etc.

In addition to the mainline gas compressor stations, a variety of other types of compressor station is used for field development and exploitation whose operation may be aimed not only at satisfying transportation needs, but also at obtaining required pressure in executing the preparation and treatment processes and other needs.

In addition to pipelining, transportation by railroad, oil tankers and road tank cars is also possible.