Maintenance, Logistical and Design Services

For how long oil and gas equipment is in operation directly depends on timely execution of all types of technical maintenance. It should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of a manufacturing plant strictly without exceeding earlier set deadlines.

We carry out routine maintenance and repair of various process equipment being part of oil and gas treatment units, multiple types of compressor station, energy equipment in a professional manner.

The maintenance of this equipment includes a package of tasks related to diagnosis of its condition, replacement of its spare parts, and adjustment of its mechanisms. In the process of maintenance work a service engineer checks the conditions of service of equipment, uses defectoscopes of various types for detection of latent failures and faults and offers professional services related to the maintenance of nitrogen and air compressor equipment of any technical complexity and make. One of the important peculiarities of our activity is that we service either a separate piece of compressor equipment or entire compressor fleet, including their auxiliary engineering systems, lines of communication and utilities.

Logistical Services

The successful transportation of oil and gas equipment is based on timely delivery and safe condition of cargo. This task is accomplished with the help of special means of transport and the correctly devised travel route.

The transportation of oversized oil and gas equipment is connected with certain complexities. The units being in use in the oil and gas sector represent heavy equipment whose shapes and dimensions are nonstandard.

Engineering Solutions is able to deliver fabricated equipment to the end user in its maximum shop-assembled condition, assuring the minimum final assembly man-hours on the operational site.

Depending on the final destination point, we involve a suitable means of transport for carriage – by plane, rail road, sea or truck.

Scientific and Design Services

Engineering Solutions offers a comprehensive range of services connected with the design of oil and gas production installations, which allows developing oil and gas fields in the most efficient way and construct their infrastructure with economic gain.

The development and fabrication of special equipment allows implementing such projects in the oil and gas industries successfully as the development of oil and gas treatment units, construction of the infrastructure of oil and gas fields, design of compressor stations, and design of installations for the energy sector.

Comprehensive design development for oil and gas fields allows obtaining ready-to-operate field infrastructure assuring high-quality treatment of raw material and transportation of oil products to consumers by pipelines with minimum loss.

It is possible to receive a necessary set of the documents required for execution of civil and assembly work and equipment commissioning through ordering the designing of oil and gas facilities. The contents of such a design are composed of graphical and textual materials, including working drawings, equipment and material specifications, description of a list of measures to assure fire safety and other data.

The design of heat-and-power installations allows accomplishing set process tasks with maximum energy efficiency in accordance with the Customer’s requirements.